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Order a copy of "The Road to Financial Freedom" when you order a 'Hard Copy' Upgrade to Version 1.4 and pay absolutely nothing for postage and delivery.

"The Road to Financial Freedom" is written by Bodo Schafer, millionaire, author and Europe's No.1 money-coach. This book reveals tried and proven secrets to building a fortune and delivers easy, instant effective techniques for the use of money and how to achieve "Your first Million in Seven Years"

It is NOT a book about a get rich quick scheme though, it is about the fundamental aspects of yourself, your life and of course your finances. It is easy to read, easy to understand and easy to apply which is why I strongly believe that it is a great book that everyone should read, whether they have just decided to make a change or whether they are already in the process and well on the way.

With over 1.5 million copies sold, "The Road to Financial Freedom" has changed many people's lives and it can change yours as well.

And why "seven years" to achieve your first million?

Well, most people over-estimate what they can do in a short period of time and under-estimate what they can do over a longer period of time. To become wealthy, healthy and happy is not rocket science but it will take more than a couple of days to get there. Successful people know persistence is important and small successes keep them going and lead to bigger successes.

I personally read this book and found it was extremely practical and easy to understand. Not only that, it gives clear action steps that anyone can take. I found myself connecting with the author and many times realised that I had just read something that I knew for quite some time, but had not managed to make sense of up until that moment. Make sure you have pen and paper at your side as you read because it is not a novel about money. You will have work to do as you read your way through and skipping these steps would be very foolish indeed.

This offer will only be available until stocks are gone as the book was originally written in German, but I have access to a limited number published in English.

Liz Blythe from Victoria wrote to me after she purchased The Road to Financial Freedom and this is what she had to say.

Dear David,

The book I ordered "The Road to Financial Freedom" is fantastic!!
It is to-date the only financial book that I have read that I have been able to say that I can actually apply it to my life. Maybe because it is in real layman terms. The author is right it is simple but not easy and the saying savings can make you wealthy I can now understand whereas before I didn't really get it. I believe most people don't and never will. If you can grasp this fact at least you are on your way to making your first million even if it takes you longer than 7 years.

Elizabeth B.

Isn't it time you started to work smarter instead of harder? The power of these two products combined at such a great price is an opportunity you should not miss out on.

Price: $56.95 (incl $5.17 GST in Australia)

Australian Residents - Pay No Postage or Delivery Charges :-  Upgrade and Order Now

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Phone Order:- Australian Residents can order toll free on 1800 22 1234.

APPLE MAC:- Simply Budgets is not compatible with Apple Mac computers. We apologize for this and assure you we are working on a Mac Version!

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